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1. Her Vampire Husband /+18/
2. Racing The Moon /+18/
3. After the Kiss /+18/
4. The Secret Circle: The Initiation - #1
5. The Secret Circle: The Captive -#3
6. The Vampire Diaries: The Return Midnight - #7
7. The Nine Lives of Chloe King: The Fallen
8. Unearthly
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 The Good, the Bad, and the Undead

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Брой мнения : 729
Join date : 08.02.2010
Age : 35
Местожителство : Morganville,Texas

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Име на героя: Алексис Грант
Раса: дампир
Години: 21

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead Empty
ПисанеThe Good, the Bad, and the Undead

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead N146367

It's a tough life for witch Rachel Morgan, sexy, independent bounty hunter, prowling the darkest shadows of downtown Cincinnati for criminal creatures of the night. She can handle the leather-clad vamps and even tangle with a cunning demon or two. But a serial killer who feeds on the experts in the most dangerous kind of black magic is definitely pressing the limits. Confronting an ancient, implacable evil is more than just child's play -- and this time, Rachel will be lucky to escape with her very soul.
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